rabbit777 Oct 08, 2012 08:02
eeeew, let them eat pie, my poor eyes, aaaaaaaaaaaugh!, utterly bastard groovy, well this is awkward, no seriously what the fuck?, i'm not a goth!, costume pr0n, that's not my ass!, pick-up line, intel sponsors of tomorrow, clothes, wow, *shakes fist*, clothing, don't hate us 'cos we're happy!, halp, vendetta chan, *head desk*, spam spam spam!, lol, squee!, quote book, world domination, quotebook, gothic lolita, what the mother fucking fuck fuck?, srs bsns, what the mother fucking fuck?, bff, zombies, fashion, velociraptor, frilly bitches, wtf, quotes, *facepalm*
rabbit777 Jul 18, 2010 20:02
rainbows, gothic lolita, drag queens, gay pride, don't hate us 'cos we're happy!
rabbit777 Jul 09, 2010 20:49
clothes, gothic lolita